Monday, August 26, 2013

2014 - Chinese Year of the Horse Wood Green

The New Year begins on January 31, 2014 and ends on February 18, 2015. The horse is the seventh sign of Chinese astrology and is a symbol of nobility, elegance and judgment. In Chinese tradition, spirit horse means a continual effort of self improvement, a trend that should, perhaps, we mark the life course of 2014 . The horse is energetic, graceful, affectionate, intelligent and able to materialize their aspirations. That's why Chinese new year seems to be promising as long as we do not indulge in inertia and lack of initiative. characteristic green color represents the wood and the trees or forests. Green signifies renewal, spring, and denotes strength and vitality. Chinese

 Year of the Horse Green Wood tells us, therefore, to refresh our personality and outlook on life, so that we can enjoy an increased strength and effervescence of living. Primordial element of wood is mainly associated with cooperation, another basic feature that should inspire us in 2014. As different parts of a tree work together in harmony for the good of the whole, so we should focus on common goals and try to ignore petty or selfish goals. Connection with others is necessary to express focusing especially especially to humanitarian purposes. Also, wood conjures stability in the inner force, but also great flexibility in addressing the world that we should be learned in a Chinese year of the Horse Wood Green. Chinese Zodiac of Horse

People born in the Year Horse is distinguished by self-confidence, joy, sociability, determination, pride, and wit. Full of restlessness and extroverted, love to entertain their friends with their humor and charming. Crossed by a noticeable energy are usually attended parties soul, always ready to dedicate new and exciting pleasures of existence. They seem to always keep up with fashion, I can speak with a great deal of conviction and possesses an obvious intuition or clairvoyance. Most of the people native to the Year of the Horse are leaving home early in life, those that remain still begin their home early professional career. They are vigorous and energetic, not to join the habits and like to be in the spotlight.

The higher their assets consist of confident attitude, courtesy and ability to handle the financial plan. native horse like to be engaged in intellectual activities and sports, react quickly to any situation in life and have the ability to make decisions Fast and inspired. Are generated, they like to have fun, and easily adapts to any social environment. Flexible and intelligent, always accustomed to take control of their immediate vicinity. Their practical sense is exploited in the area of business and personal life. their mental agility easily support them to learn the new skills and are able to handle many things at once. Despite this, because of their lack of patience, always fail to finish what they started, being eager to grab something over and over again. Have an impetuous temper and stubborn, hardly recognize their mistakes and are not easily changed. Find it difficult to adapt to the work program of the others and are too eager to comply with the rules. PREGNANT own thoughts does not help at all to be interested in the opinions of others.

They want others to be as alert as them and if they fail in what they do, they have a habit of always find excuses. horses also have several good ideas are skilled to solve thorny issues and are not selfish point of view. Sometimes forgetful and head in heaven. Contradictions in their temperament can be attributed to their whimsical mood. Act in accordance with what intuition suggests and have the potential to contain problematic situations. Once you have taken a decision, put their plans into practice without hesitation. Rate honesty if they are told directly and clearly the weaknesses and strengths of a project. 'm friendly, trustworthy and loves to be surrounded by friends and relatives. Usually have a wide circle of acquaintances and they easily make friends, but not too much trust in those who bestow friendship. Are independent and know how to taste loneliness. They inclination to fight for their cause obstinacy and selfishness, putting his contribution  if you have impulsivity.

People born in the Year of the Horse easily fall under the spell of love, but just as easily split their partners. Their willingness to always try something new and ability to observe any news make them suitable for almost any career. They can be excellent actors, but not as teachers cope. Anyway, I'm excited about jobs that allow them to interact with others. Their aspirations to be independent and to be masters of their own fate leads them to long for positions of power, rank high. Natives Cal may be rich, but do not think too much about money. When we have, I spend both themselves and those around them.

Money does not mean anything for their happiness, considering i just icing on the cake being. personalities born in the Year of the Horse: Aretha Franklin, Barbara Streisand, Cindy Crawford, Clint Eastwood, Ellen Barkin, Emir Kusturica Liiceanu Gabriela Adameşteanu, Gene Hackman, Halle Berry, Horia Arama, Ingmar Bergman, Caramitru, Joanne Woodward, Marcel Chirnoaga, Neil Armstrong, Nicolae Ceausescu,  Rita Hayworth, Ray Charles, Robin Wright Penn, Sean Connery, Sergiu Nicolaescu, Serban very, Stephen Hawking, Vasile Andru, Vladimir Bukovsky. Years horse: January 25, 1906 - February 12, 1907 (Fire), February 11, 1918 - February 16, 1919 (Earth), January 30, 1930 - February 16, 1931 ( Metal), February 15, 1942 - February 4, 1943 (Water), February 3, 1954 - January 23, 1955 (Wood), January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967 (Fire), February 7, 1978 - January 27, 1979 (Earth), January 27, 1990 - February 14, 1991 (Metal), 12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003 (Water), 31 ianaurie 2014 - February 18, 2015 (Wood).

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