Sunday, August 11, 2013

A U.S. Senate confirms a conspiracy theory that I exposed it in 2011! A map from 1942 shows the real intentions of World Maker occult world

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who attended a few days ago at a meeting of the Judicial Committee of the U.S. Senate, the NSA listening program, and which formerly was head of the Senate Committee on intelligence, made a monumental blunder (intentional or unintentional! ?) during a press conference, writes site. Thus, on a world map to the senators, geographical area, the U.S., Canada and Mexico were presented as "North America", but as "Homeland" meaning "square"! Senator gave away somehow ... this is the plan to unite the Occult World aforementioned three countries into one?

That means that I talked nonsense in 2011 when I wrote this article entitled: "U.S. will disappear and in its place will be reborn North American Union with a new dollar." Then I said among other things that "the Federal Reserve bankers seek long destroying U.S. by bankrupting this country. Achieving this, the U.S. government will be forced to dissolve the U.S. Constitution and adopt the North American Union (with Mexico and Canada). The three countries have already joined the NAFTA trade agreement, which was made as the first step in creating the North American Union.

Definitely, the new union, the Federal Reserve will hold primacy in issuing North American dollar, a new bill ". That Occult World aims to create unions of states around the world can see a map on the website Strange Maps, we can see a map of the new world order in 1942, created by Maurice Gomberg. Definitely, Gomberg not name any of Romanian nor Arab nor Jew Martian ... but! Coincidence? So remember, 1942, when the Second World War is still not over, and those from World occult already made their plans on how to divide the world! What is apparent from the map?  

United States of America (USA): current U.S., Canada, all Central American states and the Caribbean, most of the islands of the Atlantic (including Greenland and Iceland), most Pacific islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, several islands Indonesian. Although this great U.S. did not materialize, however, it should be noted that some of the territories referred to contain U.S. military bases. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) USSR was still rewarded with Persia (Iran), Mongolia, Manchuria, Finland and all the countries of Eastern Europe. Also under the influence of Austria and the Soviet there was a great deal of Germany. What was found after the Second World War? That the Soviets have spread influence on the countries of Eastern Europe, including the eastern part of Germany (excluding Austria), creating state union and institutional bodies as the Warsaw Pact and Comecon. United States South (USSA): including all South American countries. This plan never materialized, although steps were all done. Union of African Republics (UAR): a confederation of all countries in Africa.

This organization was made in 2001 and consists of 54 African countries except Morocco (see more on Wikipedia). Federal Republicele Arab (AFR) containing all the states of the Arabian Peninsula, plus Iraq and Syria. Today there is the Arab League, but it still contains Arab countries in Africa. Federal Republicele of India (FRI): Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar). This federation was not possible, mainly due to the conflict between India and Pakistan. United Republicele China (URC): A federation comprising parts of present-day China, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia. United States of Scandinavia (USS): Norway, Sweden, Denmark. United States of Europe (USE): Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Today, as we know, the EU is much broader. But it's amazing how there training plan of the EU since 1942 and in full World War! And finally, the British Commonwealth of Nations (BCN) includes the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and most of Indonesia.

Other countries remained independent Ireland, Greece (included and Albania), Turkey, the land of the Hebrews (+ Jordan) and Japan. As can be seen, Occult World since 1942 they have planned how to achieve these unions and confederations of states, some of them successful, some not. But the point was that, once these unions and confederations, would be much easier then to achieve a high global union of all nations. Perhaps now plans have changed and there are other maps of World occult, that does not leave until he makes a total globalization mankind.

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