Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Great archaeologists and historians confirm the truth "myths" Biblical

Often, the stories in the Bible were regarded with much skepticism by some researchers, is considered to be "fantastic". But still there is a problem: the vast majority of the writings of the Bible can be verified in terms of archeology. Skeptics Bible were and are simply humiliated by new findings that validate biblical stories that were found were not just some "myths". These findings recall those of the existence of historical figures like King David of Israel, Goliath or Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea in the time of Jesus Christ. Nelson Glueck, an author of books about the discoveries biblical archaeologist cites a Jew in the twentieth century, which contributed to the discovery of more than 1,500 archaeological sites and said "You can definitely say that there archaeological discovery of the last century to contradict a single biblical reference. "

 In his monumental work "A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament", RD Wilson, who was fluent only older than 45 languages ​​and dialects (including biblical languages ​​like Hebrew, Aramaic, Assyrian, Sumerian, Babylonian dialects, Egyptian and Persian), engaged in a thorough review of various monarchs 29 of 10 different nations mentioned in the Old Testament. Through a comparative analysis, he found that each of these monarchs had proper archaeological artifacts documented by secular historians, containing their name, syllable by syllable, consonant with consonant. Wilson has shown that monarchs names, as they were recorded in the Bible fit with the findings of secular historians and religious artifacts. However, there are some historians who have made mistakes unpardonable.

 For example, Ptolemy, the famous library of Alexandria and even Herodotus, in many cases, misspelled names of monarchs. The famous archaeologist and historian of the nineteenth century, Sir William Ramsay, initially skeptical of biblical stories, he converted to Christianity after several journeys to the Middle East, where he conducted a thorough research work related events archaeological excavations of Apostle Luke in "Acts" of the New Testament. He was surprised to discover that the apostle Luke accurately named countries, cities, islands, Roman officials and many other events in the "Acts", thus contradicting many secular historians of the time who believed that geographical locations and government officials Narrate Luca are just pure invention. Finally, Ramsay concluded that "I came with a lot of doubt at first, but discoveries led me to believe that the Biblical accounts describe the pure truth. Luke is a historian of the first rank, his words are not only very reliable, but it should be placed among the great historians of the world. " Here are some things that should give pause atheists ...

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