Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cathedral of the island Kiji (Russia): an architectural marvel. The only church in the world in the form of a tent!

Kiji is an island in the northern part of Lake Onega (Russia). Since the fifteenth century, territory (called in Russian piatina, around Lake Onega administrative division) became part of the principality of Novgorod. Currently, the island is Kiji old wooden building made in the local as well as others, brought from the mainland. On the island are several hamlets museum. Here are the traditions of wooden architecture in different regions of northern Russia.

Houses and churches were within the managed landscape Kiji. On the island you can visit the exhibition on the southern shore and may be a quiet walk on the northern tip. The central objective of the island's museum Kiji hamlet, with two churches (Preobrajenskaia and Pokrovskaia) and a bell tower surrounded by a wooden wall with towers. Preobrajenskaia Cathedral (Transfiguration) was consecrated in 1714. Then, following victories against the Swedes and after moving border territories in northwest Russia have become places of peaceful life after political stabilization in northern Russia was an explosion of architecture in wood. Legend has it that an experienced craftsman, Nestor, choosing a place Preobrajenskaia church building has stood the general opinion, insisting it up exactly where they are today.

The place was absolutely deserted church stands today, invaded by juniper. Passing through thickets, Nestor found a holy book. Then he sat down and read it in one day and one night loneliness. And at sunrise, when the dew fell, he saw the light of the sun and the dew on the grass design of this church. Even if no one wanted to build anything in the place when he told Nestor that God told him to do church there, no one State against.

 Before the consecration ceremony of the church Preobrajenskaia, Nestor rose to ax last holy dome, tied a red ribbon cross and the ax was thrown into the lake and swore that the church is nowhere so great as this, nor will it ever be. And no one has to find an ax. It is said that after this episode master-builder was not seen by anyone that has ever tried to build something better.

Preobrajenskaia Church is a tent-shaped building. The churches built in this way, the minimum size of the space inside is correlated with a maximum height. Preobrajenskaia Church is built so that wherever they are seen, it turned facade towards the observer. Preobrajenskaia Church is a "summer", "cold". For jobs in the winter, more than half a century the church was built next to the Mother of God. This is achieved by other plans and corresponding Orthodox canon. The interior of the church Pokrov (except portion altar) includes three areas: the altar itself room, dining room and porch. Parishioners who have sinned are not allowed to go beyond the porch.

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