Sunday, August 11, 2013

Incredible Greatrakes Valentine's healing powers, the man who heals through touch

Valentine Greatrakes, famous Irish healer, was born in 1629. Family, English descent, settled in County Waterford. His story is remarkable ... just heal people by touch. Greatrakes infirmities healed many people, throughout Waterford and neighboring counties. Eventually his fame attracted patients from England where the plague was raging. In the summer of 1665, his reputation came to London, Viscount Conway ears. Viscount wife suffered since youth of headaches that will allow her to lead a normal life, and Viscount desperately wanted to help her.

He approached Greatrakes who was able to heal Viscountess, in turn, has cured hundreds of other people, among them royalty, scientists . English chemist and physicist Robert Boyle has certified seven of his healing Greatrakes had witnessed personally, but he was inclined to assign "a lucky bustle of blood and mood, leading to healing and exalted imagination stimulated by strong feelings."

Despite major successes, Irish healer faced and ardent opposition, especially in the person of David Lloyd. Lloyd, priest of Isaac Barrow (English scientist vase), wrote and distributed a pamphlet critical of destroyer Greatrakes and his claims. Greatrakes responded by writing his autobiography, hoping that she would show to the authenticity and sincerity. In its pages are included testimonials signed by John Wilkins (founder of the Royal Society), the Platonists Ralph Cudworth and Benjamin Whichcote from Cambridge, the poet Andrew Marvell, a few doctors and many other prominent figures. Beyond all the controversy is that these records showed, namely that Greatrakes made ​​a deep and lasting impression on the people of London, from the smallest to the largest. Like other healers of other times, Greatrakes act on patients in spectacular ways, spontaneous.

She kicked, she meal, sometimes using a knife to open abscesses, urine gave them to be drunk or to anoint her wounds or injuries, or spit in the eyes of those who had lost their sight. He earnestly insist on the fact that it was only an instrument of God, claim that the increased efficiency likely to devotees. Greatrakes his patients often had seizures, fell in states lacking a sense, at least temporarily, whose depth can be checked using needles and knives. Irish Healer by extracting sometimes painful toes and throws like a dirty water.

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