Sunday, August 11, 2013

Too many myths, legends and ancient stories in which all sorts of reptilian beings! Do not tell me they are all just fantasy ...

Snake has always been a permanent presence in human history, appearing in both the religious stories (Bible), the stories and myths of humanity. It's just a coincidence? Unlikely. Here are just a few small examples of reptilian presence has made ​​its presence with people:

* Oannes, half-fish (reptilian), half-man) arrived in the Persian Gulf, to teach the ancient Mesopotamian civilization;

* Canaanite goddess Qetesh interacted with a lot of intelligent beings that had serpent;
* Sumerian literature, Gilgamesh loses its immortality before a snake;
* Sumerian god of fertility, Ningizzida, is depicted as a snake;
* Old Hebrew tribe of Levi is said that conquered Europe, being led by reptilian lords;
* Ho Ti, of the house of Sui, also known as snake king of China (618 AD) found a wounded snake, which had healed, and he, as gratitude, to reward.
Even all these stories / legends / myths have been produced by the human mind, without any connection to reality?

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