Monday, August 26, 2013

Incredible metal library tunnels in Ecuador! There is the hidden secret of humanity!

In 1973, the famous writer Erich von Daniken (famous for his writings about aliens) claimed to have entered into a gigantic system of underground tunnels in Ecuador that could be found on a metal bookcase made of books! A very bold statement. But first let's see the whole story.

Janos "Juan" Moricz, an Argentine-Hungarian aristocrat contractor claimed to have discovered a series of tunnels in Ecuador, where they are so called metal library after receiving approval of the President of Ecuador. In 1972, Moricz would have met Daniken, the latter being shown and tunnels, not metal library. Von Daniken recounts this experience in his next book "The Gold of the Gods", "angled tunnel passages perfect: sometimes narrow, sometimes wide. Its walls seem to be polished. Moricz said that such tunnels stretch for hundreds of kilometers in Ecuador and Peru (...) For me it was the most incredible story of the century, would have been a SF if I had not seen it myself . It's not a dream or a fantasy, but a reality. Under the American continent is a giant tunnel ... when and who made them is not known. It is located in the depth of land and thousands of miles long. "

Then, one of the most important discoveries of the world and a potential twist. German magazine "Der Spiegel" and "Stern" to interview him in 1973 by Moricz: it denies the tunnels, but denies that it was ever there Daniken! This had a negative effect on his career van Daniken. But those who think that the latter would be nothing but a liar and a charlatan, forget a simple thing: van Daniken's the one who released the story world tunnels and Moricz never denied that they did not exist. In addition, if Daniken wanted to lie, would not be made public source (Moricz), for the latter to be interviewed by journalists. Moricz probably had a good reason for that van Daniken denied that would be found in tunnels in Ecuador.

Here is an excerpt from the interview given by Moricz prestigious German magazine "Der Spiegel" on March 19, 1973:
SPIEGEL ONLINE: How did you discover metal library?
Moricz: Somebody took me there.
Der Spiegel: If you were the guide?
Moricz: I can not say that.
Later in the interview, Moricz said that the library was guarded by a tribe of natives. In 1976, an expedition was organized international area indicated by Moricz, but there was no bookstore metal. Moricz died in 1991, so he took the secret to the grave. But the story does not stop there .... it becomes even more interesting.
One of the organizers of the 1976 expedition in Ecuador, Stan Hall, a native found a witness named Petronio Jaramillo, "secret guide" by Moricz in interview in "Der Spiegel". Jaramillo told Hall that entered the metal library in 1946 when he was 17. It was huge, and his shelves were filled with books on them were written inscriptions and geometric designs. There is a second bookstore, where they would be found "Crystal tablet" small, heavy and translucent. The library would have been zoomorphic and human statues, and somewhere in the middle would have found a sarcophagus of translucent material, which would have been the skeleton of a giant man! A real treasure!
Jaramillo failed to present evidence in his statements, but added that these books were extremely heavy metal ... managed to get down from the shelf a few, but never managed to put them back.
Hall and Jaramillo decide in the mid 90s to plot another international expedition to rediscover this fantastic library. Expedition scheduled for 1995 was postponed due to the bombing of Ecuadorian military base by Peruvian planes. In 1997, he had to start was further delayed as Ecuador's political regime changed for the worse. In 1998, Jaramillo was assassinated. Was it because he knew too much? Someone does not want to discover the true history of mankind ...

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