Tuesday, August 13, 2013

World occult manipulation: creating an invented alien threats

How to defend these "aliens" and who has an interest in promoting so much if they are not a real phenomenon? Could it be the World's occult interests to create the idea in the minds of people that aliens and UFOs exist? But to what end? We see the answer in the documentary below, translated exclusively by me.

William Cooper (1943-2001) is a former military intelligence officer who made us some startling revelations, that the existence of alien hysteria is obscured World invention to justify the creation of a single world government tyranny. Here are the highlights of this documentary:
* The existence of aliens has been planned since 1917, and probably before that. And this is to create an invented alien threat to the Earth, in order to install a world government and totalitarian.
* The first document that talks about the necessity of aliens called "imperial delegate Mission 1917: A record of acceptance in the U.S. special mission headed by Viscount ishh." And when the imperial ambassador in New York, held a dinner where many famous people have spoken. One of them was the famous philosopher John Dewey, the father of American public education system. Here's what he said: "Someone remarked that the best way to unite all the nations of the globe would be an attack on another planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of unity of interest and purpose. "

* A very important document "Report From Iron Mountain, the likelihood and desirability of a permanent peace." Here we find some shocking statements:
* "The credibility issue is developing a political substitute for war. Although space exploration proposals are, in many ways, an economic substitute for war, yet they lack something. The most ambitious and unrealistic space project can not generate single external threat credible. He also argued that such a menace would offer the best and last hope for peace by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by creatures from other planets or from outer space. Experiments have been proposed to test the credibility of threats from alien invasion. "
* And then continue on another page: "However, an effective political substitute for war would require" enemies intermittent ", some of which may seem credible in the context of the current war. It could be, for example, environmental pollution that could replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the main substitute for war. "
* "Poisoning the air and the main supplies of food and water is already in an advanced stage and appears to be promising. May pose a threat that can only be resolved through social organizations and political powers. But according to current indications, will need two generations and a half before environmental pollution, although serious, constitute a threat to global order to provide a solution. "

* "As impossible as it may be some of the enemies alternative that I mentioned, we must emphasize that at least one must be found credible and important, if a transition to peace will ever happen without any social disintegration. In our judgment, such a threat must be invented, rather than being developed from unknown conditions. "Ladies and gentlemen, they have created so many enemies, in order to bring a unique and totalitarian government that we do not know who the enemy is real and that is false! It's no accident that occur intentional environmental pollution of rivers, forests, oceans ... It's no accident ... you just heard. These are planificatecu many years.
* With the book "Report from Iron Mountain", this is quite controversial, due to shocking allegations inside her. The report had been produced by the Special Study Group, by 15 people, whose identities remain unknown. However, one member felt that the report should not be hidden from the public eye and gave him the editor Leonard Lewin who published by Dial Press, in the Johnson administration. Walt Rostow, CFR member (which is part of the World Occult), advisor to President Johnson, rushed to catalog work as an ordinary fake. Herman Kahn, director of the Hudson Institute, CFR member himself, said the report was not true. Newspaper "The Washington Post", and he led a known member of the CFR, Katherine Graham, called "Report from Iron Mountain" as a satire tasty but not authentic. Is not it odd that it's just the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that is certainly part of the occult World) was quick to label the work as a crude forgery? And yet, how many of the things said in the report are found in the surrounding reality everyday?

* In conclusion, all the stories about alien abductions, UFOs and strange alien and so on, are part of a script created to give us an invented alien threat.

* During his administration, President Reagan (1980-1988) gave six speeches speaking specifically of a threat from outer space, some species from other planets. Six speeches! What president would repeat the same thing six times, at the end of speeches? Why him? They do not appear in the papers ... Ronald Reagan speeches he added to it:
* "Maybe we need a global threat outside. Sometimes, I wonder how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. "
* This is a strong suggestion to the people of the world that there is even a threat to some species from other planets. It is the most sophisticated and successful mind control operation in the history of the world.

* What better way to implement the idea of ​​a single world government, but to create in the minds of people the world can we be threatened by other species on other planets. The ultimate goal is to make the world seem very small, to present the world's people that there is external threat, from a superior race, from other planets, much higher than us, intellectually, philosophically and technology in order to produce dismantling nation-states, the loss of all existing religions of the world, and the formation of a world government and totalitarian.

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