Monday, August 26, 2013

U.S. secret services controls our confidential data from computers that have installed Windows 8!

According to documents "leaked" from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), which were obtained by the newspaper Die Zeit, IT experts believe that the new Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft (the touch screen is activated site) is extremely dangerous for the security of personal data. Microsoft's Windows 8 allows simply installed into the computer that has the operating system through a so-called "backdoor" ("secret door" in computer language that facilitates intrusions into someone's computer).

And as it turned out that computer programs products are used by large corporations NSA (U.S. security agency) it is possible that all personal data is thus collected by U.S. intelligence. "Backdoor" is called the "Trusted Computing," which was developed and promoted by the Trusted Computing Group, a group founded a decade ago by the great American technology companies AMD, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Wave systems. Its basic element is the chip, the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), and an operating system created for him as Windows 8.   The aim of this chip is enabled by "Digital Rights Management" and computer security.

Decide which system software was obtained legally, allowing it to operate computer and software is illegal or contains viruses, the latter being disabled. The entire process is managed by Windows and by remote access by Microsoft. The whole issue came to TPM version 2.0. While the original version, users can enable or disable the TPM, the TPM version 2.0 is enabled mandatory ignition computer and the user can no longer stop. Microsoft decides so that software will run on your computer, and the average user can not do anything. Windows 8 governing TPM 2.0 and Microsoft making remote is not visible to normal users.

Therefore, experts from the German Federal Office for Information Security are totally against the use by the German government computers equipped with Windows 8 and TPM 2.0, whereas' confidentiality and integrity can not be guaranteed. " In July 2013, points out in this article "Attention, owners of Android! NSA, U.S. security agency, controls all smartphones in the world with software type "spyware" as Android users could be controlled by the same U.S. intelligence agency NSA using programs such as "spyware". Now we learn that Windows 8 is involved in the same process control. Will there be anything in this world uncontrollable secret services!?

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